Planet Comicon 2019

Reflecting on Planet Comicon 2019

Twenty Years of Memories

By Katherine Vasper

Weather can affect if an event succeeds or fails. This was not the case for Planet Comicon. Despite the threat of pouring rain and snow flurries, a record number of attendees came to celebrate the twentieth anniversary convention on March 29th-31st, 2019. Those who braved the poor weather were not disappointed, as Planet Comicon (known simply as Planet Con to its devoted fans) rewarded them with an impressive lineup of celebrity guests, including Cary Elwes of The Princess Bride and Tara Strong, a well loved voice actress. The attendees were also treated to fabrication workshops, question and answer sessions with celebrities and a convention hall packed to the brim with artists and vendors.

Reactions from the Fans

            “My favorite memory was having my friends from back east and getting to make new con memories in my new city with them!” (Elizabeth McLeod)

            “My favorite memory from this year was Darth Vader walking down the aisle, talking my 7 year old daughter on the shoulder, and wanting a picture with this tiny mermaid that only came to his waist. The fact that my kids can dress up, have fun, and enjoy themselves really makes going to the con that much more fun. We always enjoy our time as a family looking at the vendors, artists, and other costumes, but the fact that kids are so accepted in the cosplay community is really special.” (Katie Schuette)

“A little girl said she liked my mermaid costume. I liked that. I like looking at all the fun toys and things. I like taking pictures with cool things we find. I like looking at the costumes, and I like that they had pretzels this time.” (Katie Schuette’s 7 year old daughter)

“I have a lot of favorite moments from this year. First up would be that as I was waiting in line for Johnny Yong Bosch, Chris Sabat (voice actor of Vegeta in Dragonball Z & All Might of My Hero Academia) did a double take on my Broly cosplay and recognition flashed across his face from my Dragonball cosplay crew (Team 3 Star Cosplay) meeting him last year. I saw him again later in passing as he was getting lunch and it registered and he told me to pass along a greeting to my friends back home who couldn't come with me this year. Second one would be that Johnny Yong Bosch was taking the time to personally greet and shake hands and be personable with every one of his fans standing in line. It's a small thing that no doubt makes the lines go a little longer, but its a personal touch that I'm sure all of his fans appreciated given the wait. There was a lot more, but the final moment would be that while I was in (most) of my cosplays that a lot of new people and fans were recognizing me from my cosplay page on Facebook and Instagram and making me feel like a celebrity a little bit. It was a ton of fun this year and I really enjoyed myself.” (Brittney Rose Gohr)

“Okay! So I was Baymax this year, and I'd say my very favorite moment was this little girl who was hiding behind her mom looked like she wanted to meet me but was too scared to. I waved at her and she lit up and ran toward me to give me a hug, and she just wouldn't stop hugging me. It was adorable and really made me think the impact that us Cosplayers have on the little kids that see us.” (Allysan Weaver)


Planet Comicon 2019 was a huge success for cosplayers and non-costumed attendees as well. Despite being such a large convention, it is able to remain a well organized and safe, family-friendly convention. If you are looking to attend a convention that caters to all aspects of pop culture, from comics to movies, this is the convention for you, right in the heart of Kansas City, Missouri.


Planet Comicon 2020 will take place March 20-22, 2020 at Bartle Hall in Kansas City, Missouri.