Cosplay Spotlight: Sora Wheeler

Interview with Sora Wheeler

By Katherine Vasper


How long have you been Cosplaying?

I’ve been Cosplaying for ten years.


How/When did you first get into Cosplay?

Well, I’ve always been into dressing up, Halloween being my favorite holiday but I got into doing actual cosplay by pure luck. I was in Spencers and saw a friend wearing Cloud’s shoulder piece from FF7. I asked him where he got it. He gave me a name of an anime store and when I went, I learned about Naka Kon. The people at the store also gave me some links to cosplay sites and I ended up buying a Ichigo cosplay (to this day it’s still huge on me). I spray painted my hair traffic cone orange with regular spray paint because I had no clue about hair dyes, then I went to the con and had a blast, and I’ve been hooked ever since . . . and don’t worry I don’t spray paint my hair anymore.


What does Cosplay mean to you?

Hanging with friends, making new friends, expanding my craft and experience, getting out of my normal depression state and enjoying life for a little while, bringing my creations to life or at least out of my head and into my hand.


What do you think Cosplay could mean for someone who has had a hard life?

Funny you should ask this question because if you know me, you know I’ve been living a really crappy life for a long time now. I do cosplay and make props to relax and or get away from the norm of what my life is. My fellow cosplayer and prop friends really help me find my center when things are getting a little overwhelming.


What is your favorite Cosplay you have done?

My favorite cosplay I’ve done was probably my SilentShock people really get a kick out of seeing a combination of a Big Daddy and Pyramid Head stomping around, the looks on there faces of joy, terror, and bewilderment.


What would you like to do with Cosplay in the future?

Well not so much with cosplay more with my props. I would like to start selling them, like I know I do great work but I just have that fear of thinking I’m not good enough . . . I just think I need a little push. I also wouldn’t mind working in prop studio just to get more experience with my skill.


What are your thoughts on Cosplay Isn’t Consent?

I love the whole cosplay isn’t consent campaign. I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve had to either nearly get into a fight with some idiot who put there hands on my female friends or stand guard because they didn’t feel safe. I always said and this goes for guys too—I don’t care if you’re butt naked—you don’t deserve to have people touch you without your consent. And I don’t care if I get kicked out a con for protecting a friend, I’ll walk out smiling.

What can cosplayers do to make a difference in their community?

Probably stop with all the negativity, we get enough crap from normies we don’t need it from our fellow nerds.

What do you want to see in the future of cosplay?

Bigger more far out Cosplays, people are doing some crazy things with 3D printers and such.

What goes into a planning a costume/how much time could it take?

Well again, this will be about my props, but I usually see something I like. I’m either scrolling Google images, Facebook, watching movies or something and I’ll see that one weapon that makes me go “OOOO I WANT THAT!!” And once that happens I get right to it if I’m not at work or in bed. And as for time it takes for me to finish it, it varies on how big the prop is and how detailed it is or how detailed I want it to be. But mostly it’s like a week to a month if I’m not being lazy.


What is the most difficult thing about being a cosplayer?

Not having the money to really do what I want to do, I see my other cosplay and prop making friends come out with these amazing things and I know I could do the same if I had the funds to buy the tools.


If you had an unlimited budget what would you cosplay?

A Gundam, definitely a Gundam. I’ve always love those big robots ever since I saw Macross when I was a kid.


Do you only Cosplay at conventions? If not where else do you Cosplay?

I cosplay wherever I can, conventions, cosplay picnics, charity events, any place I can, I will.


How far do you go to get into “character”?

I try to get as close to how a character acts as possible, I do a lot of horror Cosplays the “monsters” don’t usually talk so I have to rely on stage presence I think that’s the word I’m looking for. I can freak people out just by a look or a stare or even by standing in a corner somewhere.


How has Cosplay affected your day to day life?

I think Cosplay has made me a lot more outgoing and happy, when I first started out I was super shy kind of was a home body, didn’t have to many friends but now it’s crazy to see how many people care about me. It also helps with my depression, just thinking about showing off a cosplay at a con usually snaps me right out of it.


How do you decide what you are going to cosplay?

Weather is a big factor and how far do I have to travel.


With do you think of “Cosplay Celebrities”?

I like them some are really amazing with there fans. I know a lot of “cosfamous” people and they are the most down to earth, caring, entertaining, inspiring people you’ll ever meet.


Thoughts on Homemade Cosplay Vs. Commissioned?

I do a lot of closet cosplay cause I never have the money to get something commissioned, I can do my take on a certain character that nobody might’ve not thought of. And I know people that do commissions and they do some amazing […] amazing work either with Cosplays or props. It’s a great way to get your name out there with either one you choose to do.


Do you have a Cosplay “Bucket List”?

Yup, I do and there are way too many to name.


Who are your favorite Cosplayers?

OMG, man, so many I’ll name a few, right off the bat I have to give a shout-out to Joshua Cullen, he’s the one who got me started doing props. Steve Smith, Sophii, Denis Butt, Justin and Deb, Clay, Yaya, Jessica Nigri, all my coswives, there is just to many to name I mean everybody from the KC cosplay community.


When it comes to photographs at conventions, when do you think its appropriate and not appropriate for people to ask for photos?

I mean it’s should be obvious to not ask in a bathroom or when there sitting down eating or if there in a middle of a professional photo shoot. I ask whenever I just ask politely.


If you make your own costumes, where is your favorite place to source materials?

I usually stock up at Spirit Halloween, thrift stores, Home Depot.


What are your thoughts on screen accuracy versus artistic interpretation?

Either is good with me, there’s no wrong way to cosplay, just don’t be a dick about things and think just because your costume is a carbon copy of the movie, book or whatever that you can rag on someone else’s hard work.


How much does makeup figure into your overall look?

Not too much, I can’t do makeup so I tend to stay away from characters that have it, but every once and awhile I’ll have a friend help me, like with my Winslow from Walking Dead.


Best cosplay trick/tip?

Hydrate, shower often, go to the bathroom right when you feel you have to go, doing the “pee pee dance” while trying to take off your cosplay is stressful. Go with friends—not only is it a much more enjoyable experience but at times, especially for women it’s safer.


What would you say are the must-have tools when it comes to making costuming?

For me it’s a saw, Dremel, heat gun, lots of foam, good music, and a nice sunny day.


Advice to people just starting out in cosplay?

Cosplay what you want, who you want, and how ever you want cosplay is for everybody and it’s for fun and love of the fandom. And if you’re starting your first prop you don’t need all them fancy tools right off the bat, if you can’t afford all that stuff then don’t get them. I’ve been doing props for couple years now and I still have the basics and I do damn well with what I got.

Where can people find you online?

On FB I am Pyramid Head the Cosplayer and Instagram, PHthecosplayer. I’m way more active on my IG account though.


What was the most difficult cosplay you’ve ever done?

Probably my SilentShock. Everything about that cosplay I had to either make myself or figure out how to turn it into something else.


Any advice for beginning Cosplay?

Have fun, ask for help when you need, don’t listen to the haters, and be nice.


How do you feel about “closet cosplay?

Love it, I do it all the time. Half my Cosplays come from a closet.


Have you won any awards/contests?

Yes, I’ve actually won two awards, one being a floor award and another being best villain in a cosplay contest.


Do you participate in cosplay contests?

Not too often, I can’t sit still long enough, cosplay ADD. My friends literally have to drag me to do one and then sit on my lap so I won’t move.


Anything you refuse to cosplay?

No, not really, some of my friends want to put a dress on me...that would be interesting.


SilentShock image provided by cosplayer.

SilentShock image provided by cosplayer.