Cosplayer of the Week Bailey Vea Cosplay Part Two


1.       How has Cosplay affected your day to day life?

a.       Cosplay has GREATLY improved my mental health, as well as my motivation to just to everyday tasks. It’s something that truly brings me happiness and I feel like without cosplay, there is a part of me that is missing, just waiting to be brought to life. 

2.       How do you decide what you are going to cosplay?

a.        I usually just get a random burst of inspiration and motivation and I work off of that… There really isn’t any method to my madness. I could be playing a game and randomly think Oh, THAT LOOKS AWESOME! Or I can fall in love with a character in a book I’m reading and just want to give it a shot, and I end up doing a full cosplay of said character. I work very impulsively and surprisingly, it works! 

3.       With do you think of “Cosplay Celebrities”?

a.   I think that it’s cool to get recognized for your hard work and effort in cosplay, just remember to stay grounded and don’t let it get to your head! We all want to share our work with the world and honestly, it’s all about marketing. If you market yourself properly as a cosplayer, people will see what you do! No one is better than anyone else, we are all doing this because it’s fun and what we love! We can all learn from one another and I find that beautiful how it’s a constantly evolving art.


4.       Thoughts on Homemade Cosplay Vs. Commissioned?

a.       Do whatever makes you happiest! I HATE the stigma placed on people who commission their costumes. Maybe they don’t have the time to make it, or technology, or they feel that they don’t yet possess the skills required to create that specific costume… and that’s okay! Cosplay is for everyone, no matter what! Homemade cosplays are awesome and I love to see things that people made from scratch, but I also love seeing people in beautiful costumes, flaunting them around and having a great time. It doesn’t matter where we or our costumes come from, as long as we are all having a great time.   

5.       Do you have a Cosplay “Bucket List”?

a.      I do… But it’s so scattered and all over the place. Some of my dream cosplays though are Sylvanas Windrunner, Female Lich King, and Spyro the Dragon… I have a lot of armor construction ahead of me, lol. 

6.       Who are your favorite Cosplayers?

a.       Some of my favorite cosplayers are Jenifer Ann, Jessica Nigri, Tiff Tantrum, Egg Sisters Cosplay (AMAZING WoW COSPLAYS!) & Kira Chi Cosplay, just to name a few!


7.       When it comes to photographs at conventions, when do you think its appropriate and not appropriate for people to ask for photos?

a.      I am usually pretty lenient when asked for photographs at conventions, I only truly think it’s disrespectful to interrupt someone when they’re on the phone, eating, speaking to someone, etc. It’s always subjective so just be aware and use common sense when approaching someone. We are people just trying to have a good time at the con too!

8.       If you make your own costumes, where is your favorite place to source materials?

a.       I LOVE shopping sprees at Joann Fabrics… and Michael’s! Also, browsing online is great because I can stay in my PJ’s and not have to leave my home. Oh, the charmed life, hahah!

9.       What are your thoughts on screen accuracy versus artistic interpretation?

a.       Do whatever makes you the happiest. I greatly applaud people who make screen accurate costumes as it does take a lot of dedication, time, and usually money. But I’m a sucker for a beautiful artistic interpretation of a character. That’s why I created my Autumn Poison Ivy! If we all did screen accurate costumes… we’d all look the same, and that’s no fun! 

10.   How much does makeup figure into your overall look?

a.    Makeup is usually a HUGE part in my cosplays! I love doing sfx looks, as well as classy pin-up styles too. My cosplays all call for a different makeup look, and I really try to make myself look like the character I am trying to portray. Contouring if a gift from the Gods, lol!

11.   Best cosplay trick/tip?

a.       LIGHTING! With the right light everything can look a bajillion times better. Always shoot with good lighting, as well as applying makeup. Also, when it comes to getting supplies, always search for deals! Joann Fabrics and Michael’s always have really good sales going on, and IF YOU’RE A STUDENT you can sign up for student discounts at most craft stores too! Be thrifty and your wallet will thank you… Cosplay can be expensive! 

12.   What would you say are the must-have tools when it comes to making costuming?

a.       A really good glue gun and heat gun! Those are both extremely useful in a lot of aspects of cosplay construction and it’s always better to invest in a quality tool rather than having to buy a new one halfway through an important project. 


13.   Advice to people just starting out in cosplay?

a.       Just go for it! I know cosplay can be super intimidating, it was for me at first, but you WILL improve and make badass costumes! Just kinda throw yourself into it and it will be a little rocky at first, but you’ll get the hang of it and be a crazy cosplayer like the rest of us. 

14.   Where can people find you online?

a.       Instagram:



If you would like to be considered for Cosplay Imagings Cosplayer of the Week email with a Introduction and a sample of your cosplay.